Team Overview
We organize our youth climbers into two teams based on their goals and backgrounds.
Our Club Team is suitable for younger, less experienced climbers interested in exploring what the sport has to offer while developing strength and technique in a friendly, supportive environment.
Our Advanced Team provides opportunities for committed athletes to push their climbing performance through structured training and to test themselves in competition.
Additional details below.
Age group 5-11 year olds
MWF - 4:30 -5:30 PM
Location: DBC Central
$234/month for 2 practices/week
*10% discount for siblings*
(includes business hours membership)
Age group 10 years and older
Monday & Wednesday: 5:00- 7:00 PM
Location: DBC Central
$259/month for 2 practices/week
*10% discount for siblings*
(includes business hours membership)
Some Words from Coach Nick
A Montessori elementary teacher of ten years and a climber of eight, my approach to coaching is rooted in a philosophy of guided self-direction rather than a handing over of information from one person to another. Research shows that learning makes its deepest impressions when it’s allowed to be undertaken freely, at its own pace, and in an environment that conveys belonging. In climbing terms, that’s the developmental value in collaborative discovery of new movement, emotional resilience, and strength within a supportive, psyched community. That’s why learning to climb at the DBC felt so natural to me, and I’m here to facilitate that experience with our young climbers.
We may not always recognize it, but everyone has a goal in mind when they pull onto a gym project. It may be to prepare for their next competition, to put down a V4 at Mount Evans, to simply grow stronger as a climber, or even just to enjoy climbing and have fun. All of these goals have value for the DBC, just as every climber contributes value to our team at each practice. Discovering these goals, vying with their unique challenges, and encouraging one another to achieve them are the primary aims of Team DBC.